For Your Protection


For Your Protection

                   My dad A.K.A. "The Napkin"       



    Ever since I was little, I was always taught to put my napkin in my lap.  My mom would always say that I needed it "just in case."  I never really understood it though cause usually when I spilled something on myself it was all over my shirt and anywhere that the napkin wasn't.  Still, I kept it there "just in case."


    My dad has always been there for me whenever I needed him.  He is a hard working man but always made time for my sister and me.  I knew if I ever needed him he would be there for me.  I went to my mother with all of my problems and drama in my life, but I always knew that he would be there for me, "just in case."  Usually I ended up dropped my problems on everyone but him, but I still knew he was there to protect me.


   I got into quite a few messes when I was younger.  My parents bought me a used car when I turned 15 to practice with until I got my license.  So a few weeks before my 16th birthday my friend and I were home alone and decided it would be a good idea to drive to Sonic and back.  I lived out in the country so it was about 15 minutes away, but they were all little back roads to get there, so we figured we would just go really quick and no one would have to know.  Well on the way back I ended up running into the back of a little white car, which happened to be a rental car of some people who were in town on business.  To make a long story short, I basically lost my entire life savings and then some to that one little encounter, but was lucky enough that they did not call the authorities.


   Needless to say, my dad wasn't exactly happy with me to say the least.  He wouldn't even speak to me at first.  We can look back and joke about it now, but had he not been there to convince the people not to call the cops and get everything straightened out so my insurance wouldn't have to be involved in anything, I wouldn't have gotten my license until just this year.  I made a huge mess and he was there help me clean it up.  He is able to protect me from my spills or the things that fall off my plate, "just in case."


Back to setting the table... it's almost dinner time!